Drink Pro.
The ultimate bartending and party guide for iPhone & iPod Touch. Only .99 cents!
Drink Pro includes the following:
* Drink Library with 20,000+ drink recipes
* Unit Converter
* Bartending Info
* Bar Locator
Take a closer look at Drink Pro's features...
Drink Pro's drink library contains over 20,000 drink recipes. You can search and view drink recipes by name, category, ingredient, random, your favorites, and your top rated. Drink recipes can be displayed in either imperial or metric unit measurements (indicate your preference in the Settings application).
The unit converter will convert liquid volume measurements from imperial to metric and from metric to imperial as well as perform several other conversions to help you mix and measure drinks properly.
Drink Pro's bartending info feature will teach you the basics of bartending as well as provide you with several fun and useful tools.
The bar locator feature will find bars near your current location or in major cities throughout the world.
What's the difference between this app and party pro? They both seem the same to me. And there are many blank ingredients and empty selections. I am not impressed and wish I could get my dollar back.
There is no difference between the two apps as we have renamed and rebranded Party Pro as "Drink Pro". This app like all others in the app store will continuously be updated and the few minor issues remaining will be addressed and new useful features will be added. Drink Pro was the #2 most downloaded app in its category for quite a while and for only .99 cents you'd have to be one cheap son of a gun to wish you could get your dollar back. It's a dollar for a very useful app. That's a lot of bang for your buck.
Awesome App! By far one (two) of the best apps for the iPhone (I swear I am not a drunk). However, I would like to request one feature.
I would like to configure "My Bar," enter the liquors I have on hand, and the glassware I have on hand, and filter out the search feature to only list the drinks I can currently make.
Possibly even a way to list drinks I can "kind of" make, you know, if I want to use Cruzan Rum, instead of Malibu Rum. That kind of thing.
I understand the similar drinks feature would be tougher, but the"My Bar" feature is almost a must, and would be AWESOME.
Thanks for a great app!
I'm a bartender and I love the Drink Pro app. My absolute favorite feature is that I can add and delete recipes as I need. My question is, having just bought a Nexus One, are there any plans in the future to develop this app for Android? Please??
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